Creating Your Big-Hearted Vision
This week I’ve been deep in the creative process, as I take the seed of an idea and begin to shape it into tangible form. Initially, I thought I would update Flourish with Painting & Creativity to support women in business.
But do know what’s happened?
My idea has taken on a life as it’s own (which is always exciting & what I love about creating).
As I’ve been working on the course outline and learning outcomes, doing market research with current clients about how I can best support them, and now designing the sales page, it’s morphed from being an update to my existing course and transformed into a completely new, separate, stand-alone program.
And I couldn’t be more excited about it.
I’ve found this happens when we begin to shape our ideas, working with them like clay in our hands on a potter’s wheel, or allowing ourselves to intuitively choose where to put the next brush mark on a canvas.
We can only get so far by thinking about what we long to create.
The true learning, development and evolution of our heart’s desires come about when we pick our tools and take action, make choices, follow our heart, and collaborate with our materials and our allies.
We are not alone in any creative endeavour.
We always have other supporters, tools and allies at play. Whether it’s the paper we are drawing on, or the photographs we are using on our website, or the people in our community, each element informs and contributes to the overall development of your vision. And the more you can make conscious choices and set yourself up for success by understanding how your allies can best support you, the more ease you will experience bringing your idea to life.
This new program will be a safe place for coaches, visionary entrepreneurs, artists, writers, healers, and creative hearts to take a big-hearted vision – a book, program, product, painting, workshop or event – and bring it from idea to completion. It will guide you through dissolving creative challenges with gentleness and provide a container to hold the development of one specific creative project you long to create.
Blending teaching with doing, like in a professional studio where a student is apprenticed to an experienced artist and learns by doing the craft, this program will blend guidance and teaching, with the encouragement and support of myself and a community of like-minded souls to help you focus and get on with the doing part of the process.
I’ve got so much to write, design, plan and take action on to bring this new program to life in the next few weeks (and I’m loving every minute of it ~ as Kramer says when he’s wearing boxer shorts on Seinfeld), so I’ll keep this post brief.
But I wanted to share my excitement with you because I love this part of any creative process; where the form is shifting, blending, melding and evolving and you’re not sure exactly what it will look like, but you can feel the essence, the effect, or the energy of the thing you are making coming through as you work with each element, and each step you take is informing the next step of the process.
I’m truly delighted.
My heart is bursting with joy and this project feels wonderfully aligned.
I’ll leave you with a question today.
What would you love to create in your life? Perhaps it is a product, service, workshop, painting, event or book. What is one thing you can do to pick it up and touch it, turn it over in your hands, and see what needs to happen next?
Do you need to research what’s been done before and gather inspiration from others who have gone before you (not too much research though – you’ll know it’s time to step away if it slips into comparison or feeling ‘less than’), do you need to gather materials to be able to shape your idea from thought into reality, or perhaps your next step is to carve out a pocket of time to devote to your big-hearted vision?
You don’t have to know how your idea will end up, but stepping into the process of shaping it into a tangible form, will shape and transform you in return.
With every creation I’ve ever made I have changed, expanded and experienced new aspects of who I am. Just as having a child shapes a parent, creating your heart’s desire and bringing them to life will transform you and your world.
With love,
Nicola xx
PS. Thank you for your emails sharing your favourite books with me last week. I’ve added new ones to my list to read. Thank you! I appreciate you. My question this week is, what do you long to create in your business or life? Leave a comment below & let me know or send me an email. I’d love to hear!